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Storing Electronics: Tips For Avoiding Damage

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Whether you are relocating your business or simply need to free up a bit of extra space, placing unused office equipment and other electronics into a self storage unit is a great way to eliminate clutter. Unfortunately, this storage process can also result in damage to your electronics. Thankfully, the tips outlined below can help you to avoid damage and ensure your electronics still work perfectly when the time comes to collect them from storage:…

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3 Reasons To Consider Using A Self Storage Company For Your Business Inventory Needs

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If you own a small business where you sell a product or merchandise, you likely have at least some area of your property devoted to inventory. While it is advantageous to keep most of your inventory on site, there are some times or situations where you might need additional space. Here are just a few reasons why taking advantage of a storage facility with self storage units could be right for your business.…

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Six Things You Can Do For Your Family While On Hospice

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When you are put on hospice, it generally means you have six months left to live. While your health is declining, there are some things you can still do to help your family after you are gone.  1. Plan your funeral. If you have not already done so, look into pre-funeral planning. Work with your loved ones to plan something affordable that will help them celebrate your life. It will help bring closure to both you and your family.…

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