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There's No Time For Panic: 4 Tips For Designing A Work-Place Safety Plan

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If you have employees that you’re responsible for, you want to make sure you provide them with a safe place to work. One way to ensure their safety is to have a structured safety plan in place. You never know when an emergency is going to occur, which means advance planning is key to employee safety. Without a safety plan in place, you and your employees may be left confused and in increased danger during an emergency such as a fire.…

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Training Guards To React To Threats

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Dealing with terrorist threats, bomb threats, and threats against personal safety is a problem all over the world. If you have a security company, you must train your guards on how to deal with threats of all kinds. If you want to spend a little more time training your guards due to the new climate, you may need to help them identify threats and learn how to protect their company from issues.…

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The Top Three Elements All Logos Should Have

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If you are in the planning stages of building your own business, you need to take your time when it comes to crafting your logo. Your logo will convey your business’s identify to potential customers, and will let them know what you stand for and what you are all about. Here are a few elements that you need to make sure your logo has: Long Lasting Your logo should not be all about the latest trends; trends come and go, but if you build your business right, your logo will be here for the long-run.…

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